The high-level cookbook for this approach is as follows:
- We create a materialized view that refreshes on commit,
- The materialized view is defined in such a manner that it will hold no rows when the table constraint is adhered to by the current transaction trying to commit,
- And it is defined such that it will hold (at least) one row when the table constraint is violated by the current transaction trying to commit,
- We devise a construct such that on-commit refresh of the materialized view *always* fails whenever (at least) one row is materialized in the view. This can be done in two manners:
1) we add a check constraint on the underlying table of the materialized view that always fails, or
2) we add a before-insert row-trigger on the underlying table of the materialized view that always fails.
Here's the slide on this from my 'harmful triggers' presentation:
So let's try this with our example constraint (managers require a clerk in same department). The assertion for this constraint was:
not exists
(select 'a department'
from (select distinct deptno from emp) d
where exists
(select 'a manager in d'
from emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno and e.job = 'MANAGER')
and not exists
(select 'a clerk in d'
from emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno and e.job = 'CLERK')
With this assertion we can now mechanically generate a materialized view for our constraint, using the DUAL table. Note: we negate the assertion so that the materialized view ends up having characteristics 2 and 3 from our cookbook above. So the 'not exists' turns into an 'exists'.
Note: we explicitly want this materialized view to be "fast refreshable", meaning that Oracle will use intelligence to minimize the work required to refresh this view. In order for Oracle to be able to do so, we would also need to create a materialized view log on the table involved, which is EMP (and DUAL?) in this case. Creating the MV-log is left for the reader.create materialized view managers_need_clerk
refresh fast on commit
select 'wrong' as text
from dual
where exists
(select 'a department'
from (select distinct deptno from emp) d
where exists
(select 'a manager in d'
from emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno and e.job = 'MANAGER')
and not exists
(select 'a clerk in d'
from emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno and e.job = 'CLERK')
And finally we add a CHECK clause to the underlying table segment of this materialized view (whose name is the same as the materialized view). This CHECK clause is such that it always evaluates to FALSE.
alter table managers_need_clerk add CHECK( 0 = 1 )
The way this now should work is that whenever a transaction introduces a department that has a manager, but no clerk, and tries to commit, this on-commit refresh materialized view will produce a single row to be inserted into the underlying table segment. This triggers validation of our CHECK clause, which will always fail. Which in turn causes the commit to fail, thereby preventing this transaction to successfully complete.
All seems very well, until you now hit the following error:
ORA-12052: cannot fast refresh materialized view [owner].[mat.view]
There are still various restrictions imposed upon materialized views for them to be fast refreshable. See the Oracle documentation for this. Sometimes you might be surprised though that a bit of rewriting a materialized view could end up such that the materialized view becomes fast refreshable. Rewriting them into straight joins is a strategy that might work here. For instance our materialized view above can be rewritten into this:
create materialized view managers_need_clerk
refresh fast on commit
select 'wrong' as text
from (select c.job
from emp m
,emp c
where m.job = 'MANAGER'
and m.deptno = c.deptno (+)
and 'CLERK' = c.job (+))
where job is NULL
I haven't tested above alternative: with the appropriate materialized view logs, it could well be fast refreshable now...
On final comment on this approach for implementing table constraints: Oracle (must and) will serialize refreshes of the materialized view among simultaneously executing (or rather, committing) transactions. Rob van Wijk has a nice blogpost on this here.